Russian sense of style has gone through a lot of changes over the last years. There's no more pursue of luxury, false idols, desire to impress others with wealth. We've learned to trust our perception in buying furniture. We've learned to choose comfortable and reliable things instead of ones that look expensive. And we've finally learned, that quality is always in details and never on the surface.
Idea of "Red Buk" was born on those changes. This was the idea to create the furniture, that will serve several generations. To create interiors, that will not be only stylish but also comfortable. Idea to give people ability to feel the product instead of choosing it over the catalogue, putting their trust in photos and promotion text.
We've assembled the team of professionals and equipped our facility with the modern tech to create the furniture which would make the interior worth living in. So dependable, that you'd pass it to your children. So comfortable, that you could feel at home.
Our factory is always open for visits. We're not trying to make a secret out of production. You can come and check the job at any point. Try to open the doors of a locker, sit in an armchair, drink a cup of coffee at a table. We offer you the opportunity to "try it on", make absolute sure that chair legs are long enough and stuffing is comfortable enough. You need to feel the thing before you make it part of your home.
Every project is unique. The ways of making two different things can't be the same, since we're doing them for different people, for different needs. Discussing the future product, we're actually creating the technology for you, that will always remain in our archive. No matter how much time will pass, you can come to us to create a pair for favorite item or fix the damage. Our artisans will know exactly what type of wood, color of paint and details were used in the process.
Our philosophy is built upon traditions, art and technology. Only with respect to the past, understanding the present and viewing into the future we can create for you something, that everyone seek: feeling of comfort.